Ps. 65 2 "In Good Ground" [Inoa]
from "Hawaiian Psalms Lima (Volume V) by Robert M. Mondoy [103]

In good ground, does the seed fall,  in good ground does the seed fall,
How wonderful, wonderful its harvest.

1. You tend and water the land. How wonderful the harvest. You fill your springs and ready the seeds (huikalo)
and prepare the harvest to come.
2. You drench the furrows and level all the ridges. With gentle showers do you bless our land with abundance to come.
3. You crown the year with riches, all you touch comes alive. Even the lands untilled yield crops, and the hills are
clothed with joy.
4. Flocks clothe the pastures, valleys filled with grain, Yes, valleys shout in joy to God, shout for joy and break into song.
4 alt. Our land provides and nurtures, loʻi filled with kalo. Yes, valleys shout in joy to God, shout for joy and break into song.

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