Mo‘omomi Preserve, Molokai 1998

Featured sound clip (click here for on/off): 
Psalm 65 "You Keep Your Promise"  by Robert M. Mondoy. © Mondoy Music

moocpc.jpg (61633 bytes)Mo‘omomi Bay,  a.k.a. "CPC" Mo‘omomi from childhood days...
moorobn.jpg (64771 bytes)Rob, with N. Shore Moloka‘i in the distance
The ancient sand dunes of Mo‘omomi contain several archaeological sites, fossils, ancient hawaiian burial sites and many endemic native shoreline plants. In pre-contact times the inhabitants of  North shore Moloka‘i valleys came here in the summer months to fish, and even gamble, away from their wives' eyes. Their camping spots are still extant. Dry, hot, but astonishingly beautiful, this place. We used to play here as children - it was such a big deal to spend a weekend here...
moohill.jpg (60786 bytes)  The bigger sand dunes...
MooRootCPC.JPG (80318 bytes)  Fossilized Root-tubes, exposed by the wind, create many weird forms and shapes  MooRootBch.JPG (86050 bytes)
As a scientist-child, I was fascinated by these Partulina land-snail fossils. moopartu.jpg (91665 bytes) Why were they here at the seas' edge, in the driest of places? I found one with a color band on it - still have it - and an extinct Kalae specimen that looks just like it....
Native plants:
mooena.jpg (70923 bytes) ‘Ena‘ena  moohina.jpg (81495 bytes)  Hinahina  mooohai.jpg (86251 bytes)  The rare ‘ohai [red] of Mo‘omomi, found only here.
moopoint.jpg (60214 bytes)  Aloha ‘äina, E Mo‘omomi
moobyby.jpg (53846 bytes)