Häna & East Maui 1999   
Featured sound clip (click here for on/off):
Psalm 22 arrangement based on "Ua Kea o Häna" by E. Pu‘ukea arr. ©1999 Mondoy Music

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The surfing spot "Jaws" in the Winter, near Ha‘ikü.
Sometimes the waves reach 40-50 feet; featured in National Geographic about 1-2 yrs ago.   

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Peninsula, Winter 98    Ke‘anae: an uncommonly clear view of the Waialua Gap of Haleakalä

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The village of Waialua; That's the "Miracle Church" of 1870...Kalo Lo‘i o Waialua [Taro patches]

The ‘Ula‘ino coastline; here located is the Haleopi‘ilani Heiau and some of the best scenery of East Maui...
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Häna...The "Wahine Bamboo" [often called "Hawaiian Bamboo"] patch in Kawaipapa-uka, way above Häna

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Prepared kä‘eke‘eke for the Häna community

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Workshop in Häna (Aug 99) on the new Lira. Plenny Häna musicians, plenny fun..  Häna village; an uncommon viewpoint...

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, the rock beach outside Kïpahulu, where I wrote my "Pua Hipa" for the Häna Mass in 1976. Still a moving place for me.. 

kaupord.jpg (54056 bytes) My favorite way to Häna; the infamous Kaupö Road.

Aloha mai! PAU